The Princess Ramblings

Monday, March 22, 2004

Yup I'm pretty convinced it was a plot. It worked too. But I'm off that now, so let me not even stress. I think I've wasted enough time stressing.

Meanwhile it sucks to be unemployed and not studying anymore. It's enough to get me back into classes! I actually miss cramming for exams. I know! I need professional help!

posted by Tanisha Cross at 2:07 PM Comments []

Thursday, March 04, 2004

OK OK. So I may have overreacted just a titch. As a memeber of the fairer sex, I think I should be excused. We just never know when we're being played and when we think we are nothing could be further from the truth. *sigh*

And Mr. B it really was fun up until the drama. I'm just not good with drama at all. To all who've dealt with psychotic ex's/relatives/anyone, how do you get rid of them??

I just hope things aren't completely ruined...

posted by Tanisha Cross at 6:22 PM Comments []

Monday, March 01, 2004

It's amazing how in the most difficult times I always find myself on my own. It's as though the universe has conspired to teach me how to handle things by myself, even if it means feeling completely useless. One would think there are only a certain amount of ways a someone can get hurt - or only a few ways a man can show how much of an ass he really is, whichever.

I've learned my lesson. Or lessons rather.

Mr. B, it's been fun.

Here's to bouncing back.

posted by Tanisha Cross at 11:09 PM Comments []

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