The Princess Ramblings

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

We have finally reached the end of another year. This has been the most eventful year of my entire life - I'm just glad I made it.

However, there are some truths I have learned that I feel I must share with the female population out there. No matter how outlandish the following may sound, believe it to be true (but also that there is always an exception to the rule...).

Truth #1
No man will surpass sure pussy for no pussy.

Truth #2
A man is as faithful as his options.

There, I said it. Take it how you will, there are many interpretations.

Happy New Year!

posted by Tanisha Cross at 2:13 PM Comments []

Saturday, December 27, 2003

So Sunbury was fantastic! I still don't have my voice back, and I can't believe I ventured out in those short pants... but I did! I guess I am braver than I thought. It's back to the more conservative me now though..... hehehe!!

Blogger girls were looking hot as per usual, but there were some faces I didn't see. What happened to you? Not to worry, I put in a juk or two for you.

Meanwhile, I still don't have my voice back, and everyone looking to head out again tonight. This old lady is getting weary.

Here's to sending off 2003 with a bang.

posted by Tanisha Cross at 9:40 PM Comments []

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

A friend just accused me of having a life like a soap opera.... but it really sucks to have drama in your life! And I know my life ain't as dramatic as some ppl I know. *sigh* I just want a simple life - be rich, have nice house, a couple of cars, a couple of kids and a house husband. Is this too much to ask??

Meanwhile, the vacation has been pretty cool so far. Hooked up with some old frineds from the UK, been sunning (alas, I haven't actually made it INTO the beach/water as yet) been shopping - tip: if you still have shopping to do, check out the little chattel houses out by sunset crest, they have some pretty good sale items, you just have to look hard. Not to mention parking and no crowds.

My cousins from Miami come in tomorrow, so I'm gonna have to make this the most memorable 5 days ever for them. I instist on having a fantabulous holiday dammit.

*The Princess plots on how to completely corrupt her family members...*

posted by Tanisha Cross at 10:33 PM Comments []

Friday, December 19, 2003

Carpe diem - Seize the day! (Is that correct?!?)
Anything is possible...

Here's to making the most of a tough situation. You gotta do what you gotta do right? Or is it never settle for second best? What do I know, I'm only miserable trying to put up a brave face. *sigh*

posted by Tanisha Cross at 4:44 PM Comments []

Don't you just hate it when things don't go according to plan? When you're so sure that you know how things should go in your academic, work, family, and above all love life you can't imagine what force out there is trying to get you down by thwarting all your previously conceived intentions.

Yes, I once again find myself in a position I've learned to dread. I once again feel that neediness and lonliness associated with having someone in your life leave such an impression you wonder what you were doing without them for so long - only to have them just leave. It ALWAYS happens.

No this time though. One thing this last rough patch of 'life experiences' has taught me is that what you dream/dread, want/fear, love/hate the most is precisely that which you will be blessed/cursed with. I've always ignored how powerful the mind is. You are what you think. Therefore I will make a conscious effort to think positive.

*The princess ponders on her recent philosophical revelations.*

posted by Tanisha Cross at 5:49 AM Comments []

Sunday, December 14, 2003

2 months, 10 days since I last blogged. I can safely assume that no-one checks this page anymore and I will remain comment-less forever. No worries.

These past 2 months have probably been the most trying in my life. Ever notice how after any semblance of drama, the human mind instantly decides this must be the most difficult thing its ever been put through?? Well I think this has been my ultimate challenge. Within this time I have been physically, mentally, emotianlly and spiritually drained, all in one. But I'm still here, and I've discovered a new peace (what do I sound like???).

So what have I been up to? Well I'm living out one of my many many dreams of being a dancer. I'm living in New York being trained by the best professionals. It's great. My body has never felt more in shape, although it could still use a lot more work. But I can do things now there was no way I could have done before. Still it will be a while before I can dance on pointe again like before I left for college.

The drama began with the one who brought me here - a complete liar, thief, cheat and fraud. I would love to call names, but I am above that. Oh, just for the record, if you start hearing rumours about me in NY/Barbados, please be aware that there is a very bitter person there who runs his mouth extraordinarily, who does not know me one jot and who I would love to destroy once and for all - so please don't take heed, and if you do have any questions, ask me, I will tell you straight up (some of you know this already). However, I don't need to be harbouring thoughts of death and destruction on those so not worthy of my time, so I will dismiss the thought.

Money, immigration, work, commuting 2 hours to and from New Jersey every day to get to class... There is so much that could have made me give up and go back home where things are so much more straightforward, but I will stay here. I don't have much to lose. Besides, if all goes wrong with the dancing, I always have my degree and the ability to get a job, and the opportunity to do my master's in NY.

And dammit, I CAN"T WAIT TO GO HOME! I don't care if I stay for 5 days (although 3 weeks would be preferrable) I just need to relax with friends and family in the sun. I should be home by next week, fingers crossed.

Until next time.... whenever the hell that is...
*The Princess has spoken*
posted by Tanisha Cross at 10:16 PM Comments []

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