The Princess Ramblings

Saturday, October 04, 2003

This is what Brits use to gauge how well their night went - if you can't remember anything, have a screaming hangover and know you threw up somewhere, you had a fantastic night. So according to that I must have had an OK night. The head hurts and I can still feel alcohol in my belly. Nothing a little Alka-Seltzer can't fix.

For real tho, I had a blast. My friends wanted to send me off with a bang, and mission accomplished. Passoa, good music and nuff people to wuk up on.. what more could a girl want? Well it would have been nice if the flam was there, but I think he was flamming elsewhere. Oh well, such is the flam lifestyle.

Meanwhile, I never realised how much dancing with certain people can be a turn-on...

But anyway! I have to pack, cuz I haven't begun as yet, and my flight is at 4.30 this afternoon.

posted by Tanisha Cross at 2:16 PM Comments []

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Do you know the feeling of being so terrified to do something you want to do so bad you don't know if you can go through with it? You prefer security over ifs and maybes. There are so many things that could go wrong you don't know if it wil be worth it.

So what do you do? Dive right in I suppose. You only live once. You may never get another chance like this. Add all other cliches here. Here's to not drowning.

I forgot how nice it can be to be with someone on a casual level. You can chill, have fun, do stuff *hehehe* and then just be like, yeah catch you later. You know they care about you, but that you won't lose yourself in them. You know you can be brutally honest with them, even when it comes to talking about other people you may be dating/seeing at the same time, and it will be all good. And when I leave for New York, I won't cry my eyes out over how much I'll miss him. I feel so liberated.

Welcome to the world of flamming.

posted by Tanisha Cross at 6:08 PM Comments []

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