The Princess Ramblings

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

To be or not to be?

I made it into a dance school in New Jersey. Scholarship, professional division, possible invitation into a dance company. It's like my ultimate dream come true. Problem is, I can't get a ticket out of here - when the parents control the funds, it's hard to just pick up and leave. I know we can't really afford it. And I know if I go, I'll have to work my ass off.

Seems almost like a waste of a degree doesn't it? I just want to do this while I'm still young and able to move somewhat. Not to mention this huge opportunity that has presented itself to my face. I can't let this go without a fight. The amount of blood (my right leg is still injured from the audition last week) sweat and tears (I almost had a complete breakdown in NJ) that has gone into this, I can't let it be a waste.

So here's wishing me a trip to the US of A. As soon as possible, seeing as classes start on Monday.

Does this mean I should still apply for jobs? I had all these applications waiting to be sent out. Maybe I'll wait. I want to be sure of whether I'm going or not before I make moves in that direction.

*The Princess goes and prays like she has never prayed before*

posted by Tanisha Cross at 8:17 PM Comments []

Friday, September 26, 2003


We have lift--off. I was gonna have a fit and throw things at Blogger when dear-old-Govan-dearest-knight-in-shining-computer-know-how came to the rescue. Ta!

I had so much to vent and now I'm just drained. Or is it just not bothered anymore? Could it be that I finally don't care??? The feat I've been trying to achieve since time began... We'll see how I feel when I wake up in the morning.

C.O.T (really Daana, ya must copywrite ya stuff....)
The whole house has been mine for another week (this makes a total of 2 on and off this summer) and I have not misbehaved. I don't know if I'm proud or disappointed.

Meanwhile, my not-so-little brother is having his friends over for, get this, band practice. Some of them cute tho. But they're like 6 years younger than me. That's so nasty. If I was a man, however, and they were girls, that would be OK. Ish. I think... Whatever.

*The Princess hides from the strange sounds being emitted from the garage*

posted by Tanisha Cross at 10:15 PM Comments []

Thursday, September 25, 2003

ok testing... for the last blasted time. if blogger continues to play the ass......

well anyway.
posted by Tanisha Cross at 3:07 PM Comments []

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

I really don't understand what's happening to Blogger at all den... It just mess up. Or perhaps my previous theory that it just doesn't like me is true.

Anyway. I'm off to NY!! For a rushed 3 days only, but wish me luck - I finally get to audition for dance school. Yay! I'm terrified, but that always makes me work that much harder.

*Fingers crossed*
posted by Tanisha Cross at 2:19 PM Comments []

Friday, September 12, 2003

I hate it when I wake up in the morning thinking my dream is a reality. i have to spend time going through my dream and sift through what is real and what isn't. And then sometimes I'm still wondering, late into the day 'did that happen?'.

I'm also very happy today - my ma is coming back! Yay! The past two weeks have been spent cooking, washing and cleaning up after my Dad and my brother, who I love to pieces, but who are so not house trained. It sucked. I was like wife/mother/maid all in one. And those who know me know that it doan work so.

*The Princess anxiously awaits the arrival of Mommy Dearest*

posted by Tanisha Cross at 12:27 PM Comments []


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Don't Let Me Get Me

The Onion
The Scandal Institute

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