The Princess Ramblings

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Chances are no-one really checks for my blog anymore. My fault for hardly every writing anything. A girl is busy man! But whatever, I can chat to myself...

So I was watching the Best Man last night. It's so funny how a woman cheating is such a big deal, when it's almost expected for a man. Don't fool yourself, women like a lickle ting ting too. It's strange how a woman is expected to be so good, while a man is expected to be bad. And then they wanna get mad when they find out their good girl ain't so good. Please. If you dish out, be prepared to take it. Not that I'm advocating naughtiness - being the oh-so-good-girl I am (!) I'm just saying, don't expect more than you can give.

In other news...
I've moved house. Much as I loved my old housemates, their hygiene habits clashed with mine one time too many. I won't even go into how gross things were. But you know if you don't want to use the bathroom or cook in your own kitchen or even leave your room for fear the fumes will consume you, there is a problem. So I'm now in town, in a cute room with my own bathroom, a washing machine and dryer in the house (as opposed to a trek across campus) and everything a minute away. Of course there's a catch. The very cute kitchen is in the basement, which is all good EXCEPT for the tendency for creatures to make themselves welcome. Being the wet country England is, whenever it rains out come the slugs (ever seen a bright orange slug?) and other beasts of the earth. I can't stand the things. I used to put salt on them when I was a kid and thoroughly enjoy watching them evaporate, but now? HA! I'd rather starve than cook in a kitchen with slugs.

It's only for a month. It'll just have to be take-out till I leave.

*The Princess searches for coppers to buy dinner...*

posted by Tanisha Cross at 11:03 AM Comments []


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