The Princess Ramblings

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Lord knows if I can help it, I will NEVER, EVER take another blasted exam. I am so bitter toward the whole exam thing I could just....

Anyway. It's such a wonderful feeling. It was as though there was this whole symbolism going on - it was POURING when I was in the exam room, but as we came out, so did the sun. The cleaners are coming to the house. I get paid this week. I have new Nikes... OK that has nothing to do with anything, but whatever. I can talk as much rubbish as I like for this is MY page and I am no longer a slave to the biased, subjective, arrogant university system of England! This also means I am now officially unemployed. Like I'm complaining, weeks and weeks of chilling at home (or wherever else the wind may take me).

I think it's time for a new hairstyle. And another tattoo.

The end of an era indicates the beginning of another. Am I ready? Is the world ready for the Princess unleashed?!?

*The Princess ponders on what next? And goes to get some ice-cream and movies:)*

posted by Tanisha Cross at 12:33 PM Comments []


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