The Princess Ramblings

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Lo siento chicos... es que tengo tanto trabajo...

It's like the world's largest ton of coursework decided to land on my head this term. The Princess has been condemned to live in the library and eat toast for the remaining 4 months of this academic year.

Meanwhile, I have had some sort of social life - study groups, interviews and dark room photo developing work. They involve other people, so they count, right??

OK OK, it hasn't been all that bad. I've gotten way closer to some friends this year than ever, and there has been a lot of soul-searching going on. And I still party (like work can hold me back. Ha! I laugh in the face of deadlines!!) just nowhere near as often as before. Here I come London!! Me and my new interest (!) are going for his best friend's 21st party in some club. Imagine, it's the first time I'm really celebrating a 21st - I barely got a 'special' dinner from my ma for mine. And I was away in SPain for most of my friends'.

In other news: my house is horrendous. I still love my housemates to pieces, but all, but one, do not have the same ideas of HYGIENE as I do. It's to the point where I don't even cook, or even eat in my own kitchen. And I avoid looking into, or breathing, when I pass the downstairs bathroom. I mean, if one of the guys even opens his bedroom door, the whole house smells of funk. I guess it's the price for the endless hours of entertainment they bring. Or brought, seeing as I don't hang out with them as much anymore since I'm the only one taking my studies seriously.

So it goes my people.

*The Princess drops her head back into her mountain of reading...*

posted by Tanisha Cross at 11:34 PM Comments []

Saturday, January 11, 2003

Snowball fight!

Monday gone the university was completely covered in ankle deep snow. So the lot of us came out our houses and started a mass snowball fight, built snowmen and took pictures. It was fantastc. Haven't seen snow like that since I left Switzerland when I was 10 years old.

Meanwhile, we're back at school, with a very large mass of work due at the end of the term. Guess I can't do so much life-enjoying if I plan to pass this term... Oh well. It's almost over.

Wise words of the week: 'Whatever's for ya won't go by ya,' Kat in Eastenders.
posted by Tanisha Cross at 11:56 PM Comments []


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