The Princess Ramblings

Sunday, September 29, 2002

My horoscope says that the coming week looks better than usual. Better. Most people I know, including myself, have had a hard past few days/weeks. I'm praying for us!

Everything is OK in the end. If it's not OK, it's not the end
posted by Tanisha Cross at 2:39 PM Comments []

Thursday, September 26, 2002

>>Thursday, September 26

There are certain occasions when you just have to trust that you've done
all you can do and that the only thing left is to relax and go with the
flow. This is one such instance, and depending on your state of mind,
this will be either absolutely wonderful or truly alarming news.
Today's star rating: ***

People always tell me stuff like that: relax, go with the flow, everything will work out, etc, etc. I'm just a chronic worrier. Not to the point of stressing, just always wondering 'what if' about everything.

'Shoulda woulda coulda are the last words of a fool'
Beverly Knight

posted by Tanisha Cross at 11:23 AM Comments []

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Get up, get out and DO something!

Boredom will drive me mad. I actually want assignments to hand in. I bought a text book today, and got excited den. It's the way I came straight from a complicated, drama after drama year in Spain, and summer at home to this. Canterbury. New people, new classes, new house. It should hold my interest, right? Well, I'm vaguely interested in our new housemate, the gothic Londoner. Not interested that way (come on now), but I think he'll add some excitement to the household. Hopefully no Satanic madness.

If this goes on I'll have to dye my hair again and pierce something else. That always helps. Maybe I should go down to London... O yeah, I'm broke. Scratch all those ideas.

Hope everything was OK at home with the storm and all. Funny, cuz the sun is actually shining right now here in good ole Britain. And you can feel it too, which like never happens.

My heart hurts.

And my mind's gone half crazy...
posted by Tanisha Cross at 1:03 PM Comments []

Saturday, September 21, 2002

Me Time

I've got my Peach and Passion Fruit tea, my Maryland hazelnut and chocolate chip cookies, Tracy Chapman on the stereo and a Terry McMillan novel to devour. Just what I need.

Meanwhile, I just came home from visiting my girls, only to run into a set of 1st year British girls running around in their bras. Jeans and bras. Climbing trees and chasing boys. What is this 2nd form? The things I see in Canterbury. You wouldn't believe. This school was the most promiscuous in Britain according to a newspaper poll back in my 2nd year. I couldn't believe it. Then again I could. It wasn't surprising to see couples at it through their windows while walking through Park Wood (the set of on-campus houses in a wooded area, where live). And gang-bangs are common. So I guess bra-girls are trying to ring in the new academic year with a bang.

As long as they don't interrupt my me time.
posted by Tanisha Cross at 11:37 PM Comments []

Friday, September 20, 2002

I'm online! Yay! But it's kinda hard to do stuff without a mouse. I, erm, killed my laptop 'mice' when I accidentally spilled water on it, and now to use the internet I have to connect y Ethernet card through my USB port, and therefore can't connect my other mouse there.... So I won't be doing much at the mo. I'll buy a connector thingy tomorrow. Don't have anything else to do.

So, like, I'm completely bored man. After the trauma of trying to get here in one piece, I guess God thinks I need a break. The flight was one horrendous battle with turbulence and the dude next to me who thought it was funny that we would be going down any minute. Then when we did finally land (to the tune of a Rastaman going 'JAH! RAStafari') and I arrived safely at my second home, I call up at the uni to hear, 'O I'm terribly sorry, we gave away your room.' WTF!?!?! Punks kicked me out my flugenflergen accomodation for a frikkin 1ST YEAR. They over-accepted people this year, who unexpectedly passed their A'levels really well, so now the uni, and others across the country, find themselves ridiculously overbooked. And us poor returning students are getting kicked out for THEM. Can you IMAGINE?!? My friend had it terrible tho, poor child even went ahead and paid up her accomodation fees (all 1,200 pounds) in advance, only to arrive here direct from Bermuda to hear she's homeless.

Welll, anyway, my pops came up with me, and I guess he must have scared the poor little white lady in the office. She was so nice. And when Daddy mentioned that we pay very near 12,000 pounds for me to study here, poor lady shuddered and was like, 'I'll see what we can find for you,' and came back with a set of keys. Yeah, dammit. Don't mess with the Crosses... hehehehe

So now I'm back, and completely bored. And I know exactly what I want too. *sigh* How do I always find myself in some sort of dilemna or another?! What's wrong with me?

Never mind.

The Princess will persevere.
posted by Tanisha Cross at 11:12 PM Comments []

Friday, September 13, 2002

Why can I not begin packing? I abhor packing. I just can't wait until I live in ONE place where I don't have to keep moving from, unless it's a short holiday, and I don't need anything but a change of clothes and a toothbrush! Yeah, right, like I could ever pack light. But that's not the point! I am getting worse and worse at this procrastinating thing the more I move around. What's a girl to do?

I don't think I really want to leave. There's the whole 'dum du dum dum FINAL YEAR!!!! bwahahahaha!' evil type sounds in the back of my head, that I think are scaring me. Back to studying, books, lectures, essays, thesis, ethnographic project, exams, more essays, more exams and maybe one or two more essays. Is it any wonder my body is rebelling by refusing to do things when they should be done?

Two days to go.....

posted by Tanisha Cross at 9:53 PM Comments []

Thursday, September 12, 2002

A very uneventful day this has proven to be. So much for the 'major terror alert' the US was on. I swear, had one said 'boo!' people would have run.
And could I turn on the TV without seeing some sort of commemoration, or reliving of, or how we moved on from 9/11? Nope. It's everywhere. Bush himself is on TV giving some sort of speech (cause, you know, it's expected of president-type folk) saying bla bla bla I'm can play terrorist too.

What can I say, I'm not a big fan of Sir Bush. Nor America. In my eyes, no nation deserves what they got, but guess what? These things happen, they've been happening since the beginning of time, all over the world, only difference is that now it has happened to a privileged, 'developed', wealthy, head-up-it's ass country. So now the rest of the world has to feel their pain. Where were they during the Angolan 20 year war? Or during the countless religion-related genocides? Political riots, civil wars?? They were sitting on their butts saying o what a shame and sending 'aide' so no-one could say America wasn't involved. I'm not saying that we shouldn't support America. Not at all. I'm saying that I only wish we could be this aware and supportive of this kind of crap when it happens elsewhere. Saying that America is country number one (as has been repeated over and over today) implies that there is a grading scale, hence some other country is the last, the worst, the one we want to avoid. And since no one wants to be last, that will only make things worse. Can't they see that they're making people mad? Why doesn't Bush try and find out why, and try to fix that, instead of trying to war back? War only begins when one side feels unequal to the next, and so they fight to either even themselves out or make the lesser side the bigger side. Usually it's the latter. So I guess this random terrorism thing to prove a point that's just not getting across will just continue until we seize to be human.

posted by Tanisha Cross at 1:41 AM Comments []

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

O look they're gone....

Yes dammit. They're gone.

posted by Tanisha Cross at 5:52 AM Comments []

And why the hell can't I get rid of those 'A' thingies around my links?!?!

posted by Tanisha Cross at 5:38 AM Comments []

The Princess is due to leave the island on Sunday to embark on her continuation and finalisation of her academic career. Any farewell parties, get-togethers, gifts and other well-wishes must be scheduled for a date prior to the one afore-mentioned.

Thank you.

The Princess has spoken.
posted by Tanisha Cross at 5:31 AM Comments []

Thursday, September 05, 2002

posted by Tanisha Cross at 10:07 PM Comments []


other ramblers
All is yellow
Don't Let Me Get Me

The Onion
The Scandal Institute

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