The Princess Ramblings

Monday, August 19, 2002

It's been a while...

It's been a very busy summer, and I am completely exhausted.... ok not really, but that just sounds more dramatic. :)

I'm really not feelin work tomorrow... Couldn't be more bored, sitting here doing nothing. Especially when there are things that are SO MUCH MORE FUN to be done. Like go to the beach. I haven't been since I've been back. HOW terrible? I went down to the beach on Sunday, but as we step out the car the rains began. So we left and ended up enjoying 3 Sunday dinners. Not bad.

I'm gonna need stuff to occupy myself this weekend, or I may just vanish into the depths of depression. It happens when you say bye. I'm really crap at it. Try to avoid the situation whenever possible. Maybe I'll finish getting my room in order. Make it feel a little like a bedroom and not a temporary boarding place. I still have a bag of stuff to unpack, but there is just nowhere to put stuff.

Wise words of the day: Whatever you are going through, no matter how crappy, it could always be so much worse. Unless you just happen to find yourself in the most terrible situation there could ever be and set the world record for world misery and are actually the person that others look at and say 'hahaha sucks for you!' and realise how lucky they are because they are not in your incredibly horrific dilemna....

*The Princess wonders where that came from....*
posted by Tanisha Cross at 6:50 PM Comments []

Thursday, August 08, 2002

I was robbed after some fantastic fetin at boomtribe on Saturday. Dudes broke into the car and stole $2,000 worth of stuff from me. I was an idiot, there were several idiotic events that took place culminating in a great big 'I told you so.' Which I told myself, since there is no one else to blame.

Night before I got a flat tyre, and swore blind I had a guardian angel because two cars of friends pulled up to help (at random, from separate fetes) and this random dude came out his house and changed the tyre himself.

I good tho. Cuz I'm still alive, my loved ones are still alive, what's a bunch of material stuff to get one down?

Speaking of which, I have a loved one to go look for now.

*The robbed Princess goes and looks for solace. Somewhere*

posted by Tanisha Cross at 11:06 PM Comments []


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